Hunter Walk
1 min readNov 11, 2015


I was happy to sign on to this statement of principles. This isn’t about 1099 vs W-2 designations, or about about whether Startup XYZ is “good” or “evil.” It’s about the transformation of our economy from industrial capitalism to technology capitalism and the shifting employment needs which come with this change. Overall it’s a wonderful boon that will increase the size of the pie, quality of life and potential for America. But to ignore the fact that it also comes with dislocations, new job skills and other severe changes is to bury our head in the sand. By proactively exploring productive solutions involving public and private partnerships we have the chance to let technology and innovation move as quickly as it can, rather than slow it down with backwards looking regulations and policies. But to not take into account the needs of American workers and a safety net will make technology’s progress ultimately one that risks becoming hollow.



Hunter Walk

You’ll find me @homebrew , Seed Stage Venture Fund w @satyap . Previously made products at YouTube, Google & SecondLife. Married to @cbarlerin .