I Once Feared Professional Irrelevance. Now I Embrace It.

Hunter Walk
2 min readOct 1, 2024

The failure tiger stalked me for many years. The beast’s ferocity was intensified by my sense it was inevitable I’d be caught. Unescapable because merely the act of *aging* was going to make me vulnerable. To not being as current or ‘native’ on whatever new technology platform or trend was being adopted. To the networks being formed by the millennials, Gen Zers, and each successive generational cohort. To the increasing number of people flocking to the technology industry. How could I possibly maintain my position of influence in the food chain? And without that, there was no safety net under me. It was a straight fall to the bottom.

Grim right? But instead of turning to therapy (which I now do), I turned to Twitter. A sociable introvert IRL but extrovert behind the keyboard, I could use my favorite medium (words) to reach others. To make myself tangible and accessible. While trying to *not* give myself over to the incentives of social media influence. My followers and reach were an anti-tiger force field.

But then a funny thing happened around 2012 once I left Google, had a child, partnered with Satya to do something new — I started to cherish getting older (at least professionally), instead of fearing it. Being someone who has relationships with peers, colleagues, industry friends, that are now 10, 20+ years in length. Being someone who knows a few tricks and is good to have on your side. Not needing to be everything to everyone but picking my spots.



Hunter Walk

You’ll find me @homebrew , Seed Stage Venture Fund w @satyap . Previously made products at YouTube, Google & SecondLife. Married to @cbarlerin .