He Sold His Startup for $130 Million, Here’s What He Learned, and Questions to Ask When Considering Whether a New Job is a ‘Fit’ for You, Plus Other Great Reads [link blog]
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What I Learned Selling My Company [Harry Glaser/then: Periscope Data, now: Modelbit] — Harry sold Periscope Data for $130m and is back building again with Modelbit, an ML engineering platform. Here he provides actionable advice for founders who are building long-lasting companies but know M&A might be the eventual, and successful, outcome.
This is about the bread-and-butter, $50M-$500M acquisitions of mid/late-stage startups who probably took the offers because they had serious doubts about whether they could go the distance.
The enterprise version of the great re-bundling & vendor consolidation trends [Pat Kinsel/Proof] — Entrepreneur Pat Kinsel noting that many B2B software/tools are at risk of being displaced in their customer relationships by ‘good enough’ versions provided by another existing vendor. Why? Not just the cost savings potential of bundling but also…
risk and InfoSec are still HUGE drivers for vendor consolidation. We are seeing this everywhere. Sophisticated customers want less risk and using fewer vendors is a way to achieve this. Not…