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An Operating Manual for Cofounders, Why It’s Silly to Say Your Funding Round was “Oversubscribed,” Space Weather Forecaster is a real job, and more… [link blog]
Links to read
When the growth slows, and, You and your Co-founder [Harry Glaser/Cofounder, Modelbit] — More good repeat founder wisdom from Harry. In the former he has practical advice for how to handle speedbumps post-hypergrowth period. The latter is a good articulation of true cofounders. Sometimes when we meet a startup the ‘cofounders’ are really more like a founding team — there’s clearly one lead individual and one or more team members. But the ones which feel like true partnerships are pretty close to Harry’s guidance. The first two he notes are actually the most difficult!
The Rick Steves guide to life [Natalie B. Compton/Washington Post] — It turns out that travel entrepreneur Rick Steves is also a really decent human being, perhaps even exceptional! We spend a lot of time these days — on social media, via journalism, in our lives — pointing out the villains. I’m finding the identification and celebration of role models to be more enjoyable.